Department Of Disasters Preparedness and Management Structure
  • Disaster preparedness measures
    • Strengthen the assessment system for Food Security and Livelihoods-Sectors in Somaliland through overseeing M&E activities such as baselines, mid-term review, end of Project evaluations, technical visits, assessments etc. and implementing recommendations from such processes.
    • Set and maintain a simple Early Warning and Early Action (EWEA) system to assess current situation on the study area.

7.Staff of the department:

  • Ahmeddini Nur Goth, Director Disaster preparedness and Early Warning information systems.
  • Faduma – Technical officer
  • Abdi-asis Technical officer
  • Mahamed Weli Technical officer

8.Department Of Disasters Preparedness and Management Struc

Contact Person

Name : Ahmeddini Nur Goth

Email : Ahmedngoth@Gmail.Com

Mobile : 063-4127474
